Events Happening in Daytona Beach, Florida

Oil & Vinegar Daytona Beach proudly hosts a variety of events to connect and engage with the local community. We feature live music, cooking demonstrations, wine tastings, and more – explore what’s happening this month!

If you’re interested in holding a private cooking class, tasting party, or an intimate get-together, please contact

Spring Baking Class – Andrea

Are you ready to embrace the fresh flavors and vibrant colors of the Spring season? Join us for an exciting baking class led by the talented pastry chef Andrea Bastian, the mastermind behind Obviously Dessert....

  • • Tickets canceled within 72 hours of the event start time are not eligible for refunds. You are welcome and encouraged to re-sell or gift the ticket(s) to a recipient of your choosing.
  • • Tickets canceled more than 72 hours in advance of the event start time but less than two weeks will be reposted for sale.
    • • If the ticket(s) sells you will be refunded 100%.
    • • If the ticket(s) do not sell no refund will be issued.
  • •Tickets canceled with more than two weeks advance notice will be refunded 100%.